Creamy banana-avocado salad

For lunch or as a snack!

We present to you our sweet salad recipe, to enjoy in the morning or as a snack. A sweet pleasure for the taste buds which will bring soft, heavy and creamy qualities ( gunas ) to your diet. This salad is an ideal lunch for kapha- dominant people who have a moderate appetite in the morning. Without being too heavy, it provides nutrients that will sustain them until the next meal of the day, when their appetite is more intense.


1.Cut the banana into slices and the avocado into cubes. Mix roughly.

2.Sprinkle the fruit with cardamom.

3.Add the sweet almond oil and maple syrup. Mix.

4 .Garnish with the hemp seeds.

Ayurvedic profile

Beneficial for: vata and pitta

Worsens: kapha in excessive amounts

Dominant flavor: Mild/Sweet

Secondary flavor: Spicy


    • 1 Banana

    •  1 Lawyer

    •  tsp cardamom powder

    •  tbsp sweet almond oil

    •  tbsp maple syrup

    •  tsp hemp seeds

Variation for VATA types

    • This salad is inherently vata friendly .
    •  Double the amount of cardamom for a more powerful carminative effect.

Variations for PITTA types

    • The recipe is also suitable for pitta , it could be refrigerated for 1/2 hour before eating for a little more freshness.
    •  Reduce the quantity of oil by half in case of excess pitta .

Variation for KAPHA types

    • Replace half a banana with half a pear with peel, to add lightness and a little astringency.
    •  Reduce the quantity of maple syrup and sprinkle with a sprig of cayenne, or avoid this recipe that is too creamy and fresh, in case of significant kapha excess .


Simple but loaded with nutrients

The combination of banana, avocado and maple syrup promises us a good supply of carbohydrates and monounsaturated fatty acids, fiber, as well as magnesium, potassium and other vitamins and minerals. Fresh cardamom, rich in essential oils, acts as a carminative to reduce gas and bloating. As for hemp, it provides us with vegetable proteins, minerals, omega 3 and 6 as well as all the essential amino acids.